
Watercoloring Wild Flowers

 This week Linda is sharing this tutorial found here on YouTube by Wendy Powell-Jones called Meadow Flowers. When I watched it as I was watching her sketch it I thought "Oh, I have that old PSX Queens Anne's Lace stamp..." and if you glance at it, the buds almost have a thistle shape to them..

So, I stamped it on a piece of A7 Arches cold press with some Simon Says stamp beige ink. 

And I could not see it at all. So, I left the stamp out on the table and tried to create something similar without sketching and without really thinking about the field she painted. One thing I have learned along the way is that my limit for "Loose" only goes so far. So, this is loose for me.

I did use the masking fluid to put some cloud shapes in approximately the areas where there are some on the stamp index. I also for the first time used a black silver brush for this, and it was pretty difficult to get that masking fluid off the bristles of that brush. I have not had this kind of a time with that using the Princeton Neptune brushes. hopefully I will remember that part next time I try to use it. (and I did wet and roll the brush in the cleaning jar first like usual) 

Once the fluid was dry this was first rounds of paints. ( mostly Daniel Smith) 

More paints, some shadows and leaves and such.

 the Painting did grow a little larger than the stamped image but, I think I still had the gist of it with the wild grass and stems going along. 

a few more strokes of paints, mainly shadows and grasses some on the "leaves"


 I wanted more texture to those white blooms and adding all the shades of greys and indgo shadows they still looked a little flat to me so I dug out some Dr. PH martins bleed proof white. put on a bit on the blooms and splatters a bit also.

This is not quite so yellow in real life but, the difference between the iPhone and the camera is kind of funny how they pick up & or change colors. The sentiment here is from the waffle flower set called Elegant Love and the base here is some Stampin Up blackberry? something like that. I did trim down the painting for that purple to peek through along the edges. That's about it from me, if you'd like to play along with us you can find this challenge here at Splitcoaststampers. Thanks for stopping by.

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