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Season Of Thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Of all the things i am always reminding my self that i am greatful for my family, friends and health always tops the list...
But my computer and internet connections are right below that. :)
I'm also fairly relieved that the Bah-Humbugs are receding... I'm looking forward to hauling the decorations out tomorrow and have been singing christmas carols (mentally for the last 24 hours)
Came across this funny quiz... (What christmas carol are you?)
It feels Like Winter now...
I am so ready for the days to start getting longer again instead of shorter haha...
Read on a scrap message board today the count down to Christmas is now 33 days left...
I am mostly done with that and ready to go.
Still working on my Cards and hand made stuff though.
Today i received the last journal in the circle journal swap i am in, i didnt tell the lady but her album has come to me in two zip loc baggies one is the covers of her album with posts and spacers and one baggie contains all the pages with just posts between them (the pages are being ripped to shreads) so this has decided it for me, i am gonna brave taking James to the lss sometime during the next few days because when i mail this out its going to its owner and i think wow, i want her to be able to open her album not see it in peices in the box...
(this makes me wonder about how mine is holding up...)
But i will also be finding out soon...
We are ready for Turkey day here! :)
gonna have spaghetti and meat balls tonight before i go to school.
It's almost over with i think just a few weeks left now. the Teacher is making noises about doing a class two but has not made a decision for sure yet. I think she would have a better turn out in the spring semester but that is just me, i only live 3 miles from the school so it is not a hardship to get there and back. not very fun at night but not impossible either.
J has the next 5 days off from school so i have it off too... somewhere in that i have to find out when Harry Potter is playing as we are supposed to go and see it. I just finished re-reading the fourth book again today so that i will kinda know what is going on watching it. (but it always much better when the DVD's are out and you can play them at home with the cc...)
We caved in and picked up the last star wars on DVD at Costco last weekend. Cool. It was the last thing we had seen together as a family at the theaters. there's usually only one or two things that come out each year that we do go and see them on the big screen...
Okay i guess i better go practice these signs before so its not so obvious that i just made them up (my sentences) a couple of hours ago haha...
Have a good holiday!!
It's got to be Nap time somewhere right?!?
Hee hee...
I know I have not posted anything recently, just the usual going on, made a fathers day card last friday for a beyond the basic's dry embossing card call... who knows? think they won't email people if they want their cards till mid december, so theres still a little time to do a few more. (maybe tomorrow)
Just finished cleaning and drying all the china on the bakers rack. Whew.
(I didn't bother to dust it all summer when the windows were open right next to it...)
now all i need to do is plan a menu and shop and we will be all set for Turkey day.
I drove over to Medford yesterday and seen Debbie R. that was a really good thing for me i have not seen her in person for over a year or so? I am *almost* done with my X-mas shopping too!
Tomorrows plans include more card making in the afternoon and Alice is going to come by and play too. that should be interesting. :)
Still taking the sign classes there's a few weeks left i think, still have to make up sentences to do next tuesday. (every class everyone who shows up has to do 5 sentences for the class)
and then to try to keep it understandable we are supposed to take words from the parts of the book we have gone over in class... (which is not always possible because sometimes you need a word that we have not learned yet) So, Tim got me a dictionary... so the hard part is not learning the signs its thinking of what to say from the words we mostly *know* or in other words have seen signed once... lol (so when i talk, its just like this you know, all the sentences start with SO)
Next week J has 5 days off from school in a row... Yikes! so far i have planned one day (sat) for him to have a buddy over from his old school so he's looking forward to that.
I'm hoping to go to just one store on black friday and then get the tree up and done that day.
Tim is like oh no!!... :) but, part of me is learry about it as CAT thinks we only decorate for his amusement... so far not much has not been nibbled on or re-arranged or dragged from one end of the house to the other.
So, How many Pieces of Halloween Candy have you eaten this week??
Me too many pieces to count. Yuck.
(I'm real tempted to toss half of what's in the bowl on the counter in the trash and deny all knowledge of the dissaperance...)
So this is a link to a test to see what kind of candy are you?!?!
here is me:
Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
I dont even eat gummy bears... James is real attracted to the sour gummy worms still though...
So what kind are you???
It's Here already!!!

This is just one of my favorite stores to shop in online... can you believe the sent it Fed-Ex and its here already? (the spooktacular prize giveaway was last friday 10/28) notice they were kind enough to send more coupons hee hee... the wrapper says there are 4 sheets of alpahbets, one sticker sheet , 24 printed paper sheets and some solid color sheets to coordinate... (looks like baby girl ish type colors... not sure what i am going to do with it yet, but still fun to receive)
***we have SNOW***
Can you imagine?!?! (just a dusting)
(isnt it too early for this?)
where did the year go?
we moved into this house the first weekend in November
last year so we are coming up on our one year here in a few days...
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