Todays card
This is Tim and I yesterday afternoon, he gave me a cannon digital camera and it came with a photo printer too! Plus some odds and ends for it. Very cool. I totally love the instant gratification of seeing these photos. Didn't make it to the store to drop off the film i shot all weekend yet... but, i have printed one photo with the printer and i am impressed. There is a lot to learn on this camera. I have always shot an SLR so, all of the programmable things are like wow. I think what i may do is take one option at a time and shoot a couple of cards of photos with that and just see what it looks like. I need to go see about getting more photo paper and maybe some extra ink cartridges too... Fun stuff.
I have been taking cold meds for a few days now so, i haven't done much today despite having the day off. Just loaded some fonts into the computer { it is pretty naked still } since we got it back with the new hard drive in it. we had it completely wiped and just the XP and a few other programs re-installed. oooh and now we are on broadband. totally cool how much faster this is then dial-up. If your on my emailing you photos list and you are on dial-up still probably it would be a good idea to remind me of that because i am shooting these photos at the highest setting and a few of yours email servers rejected them yesterday...
J made out like a bandit too and is totally immersed in the whole Capt. Jack Sparrow thing at the moment. watching the movie and playing at being Jack. he even staggers around like he's drunk on rum haha.
so, next up for the store class will be a Valentines card class sometime in the end of January but, the last time I had checked in before Christmas she had not received her new papers yet. Not sure yet what i will do, but maybe something with brass stencils and paste. alot of the gals that come in really don't know what they are or what they can do with the stencils ( besides dry emboss with them ) the only hard part will be the drying time factor its just so cold here right now. been snowing all day, but it hasn't amounted to anything yet, the wind is really bad too.
It's Almost Thanksgiving!
Alcohol Inks Backgrounds Card Class

if at first you don't succeed...

just playing

Cleaning my room and i found some things...

another Halloween card

Still struggling with the Halloween themed cards...
September's Upcoming classes

Up Coming August Class Cards

Last Monday Nights Card Class

So far this week...

just a few more cards

long time no posts...

Newest addition to our family...

Card Class first Card
Second card

third card for the class
Just a Quick Note...
more from yesterday...