Newest addition to our family...

Card Class first Card
Second card

third card for the class
Just a Quick Note...
Hit the ground running today and i Know a lot of you have been waiting for this and figured it was faster then trying to update all the emails and MB... (try that tomorrow) :)
My first class is last Tuesday in June.
I have to get all the samples done and to the store as fast as possible. so hopefully I can do that by Thursday (my deadline is Friday)
There are a lot people who teach for this store so it was interesting to see how they all interact with each other...
I am on the calendar for one night in June, July and august then starting in Sept i get the first and third Tuesday of every month to hold classes on. (assuming people enjoy them and want to take more classes from me)
I'm going to go cut some templates to stamp on to get a head start on the ideas part.
More later,
oh yeah more pictures later too...
more from yesterday...

A quick update...
Thanks for your support!!...
{insert Victorian corset image here}
snicker snicker...
OK so, it look's like a go so far.
I'm going to keep making things from the templates this weekend to take to the "meeting" on Tuesday. evidently its a when they hash out the schedule meeting between all the people who teach there...
the lss store owner was really excited about the embossed things i showed her that i have made and then i informed her that the stuff comes in way more colors and uses than her "teacher" knows... lol oops...
so DH thinks thats funny that i know more than the owner and the teachers...
He thinks it will be something fun to try two or three times to decide if its not a waste or time or money.
the way she runs her store is
I buy everything for the class kits, if i need to buy something for the kits i can buy them from her store at a discount. then i get to keep the money from the class and the average for her store is about $15.00 per person.
and a card class lasts about 1 1/2 hours...
and i need them to make about 3 cards,
maybe one more elaborate than the other two...
and decide on the "level" of skill that a person needs to understand/enjoy my class... Newbies maybe totally lost by some of the things i do and showed her...
So that's where things are at now... I have a throbing wrist and a whirling brain... and it looks like Spanish Rice and Stuffed bell peppers are calling my name. (we skipped the food part at chat tonight hee hee)
File Folder Thanks

All of the parts that look white in the digital cover photo are actually a cream color...Its hard to see but there is ink distressing on all edges of all the papers also.The large heart on the cover is the one from the couzzle starter kit and then the files are part of another template.all the stamps are hero arts except the letters on the top are Rummage from MM.
whatcha think??
I have been asked to teach... {in person} YIKES!

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