Today i finished this box. I posted about it a while ago after i was
accepted into the
RAK group at
splitcoaststampers, I joined the
sub forum wish
rak almost right off the bat and have been horse-swapping images in the stamp shack and two peas for some time now, so a few months ago I found the tin file box on the bottom at a yard sale for 50 cents. I painted it red with some acrylic paint and layered on some Basic Grey Blush line papers... (with
modge podge) and promptly tossed all the images inside. Oh i printed
labels, but the dividers that were in the box when i got it were dirty and bent so i tossed them in the garbage. On Black
Friday when i was at Staples i
picked up a new pack of the dividers and just flipped them around, so if you were to pick up this box backwards you'd see the alphabet
pre-printed on them. But, its not too likely to happen and this box is Heavy. The tin on the top is holding ranger alcohol inks and blending solution bottles.

This is a look inside, i
didn't paint the inside and i did toss most the baggies i had things in previously. (and the envelopes too) so, from now on i may not say who mailed me what because, I don't remember exactly for each thing, and some images two or more people sent the same things...
Font on these is
Will and Grace, and printed on teeny tiny clear address labels that i trimmed the excess parts off with scissors after sticking them to the cards.
I also gave my new score-pal a work out today. ( made 3 little 2-5-7-10 boxes and another rak image card) but, its too dark for photos already.
maybe tomorrow.
ooooh i dont know why i waited so long to get the score-pal. I'm pretty impressed with it, i dont seem to have much luck with following along with the directions for the three-d projects where you have to move the paper to find where to score. so this is just brilliant. It is much lighter and portable feeling then the score-it they had at the lss i used to teach in, but its also significantly more afordable. I ordered it direct from the mfg. last Sunday, and it was delivered to me on this friday evening.
Score-Pal is an member co. at Splitcoast if you want to chat with the owner and ask questions.
Pretty much thats it for now, I'm getting better, still tired all the time and not at normal yet. maybe tomorrow.