Snow Crocus is blooming here now,

This is one of 3 of our peach trees, all the fruit trees have
buds now

This is a Honeysuckle bush

Dogs at play in the sunshine...
these are the good shots from this am, not so fun is J has been sick all
week pretty much so i took him to the Dr. this am. got at least 5 more days
ahead of this. and he's supposed to be contagious too.
Lovely. the Dr. said most the parents who dragged kids in this
week with this have had it too. (cross your fingers and pass the Lysol please)
there is no school today teachers are making report cards here.
and Ive kept him home most the week (except yesterday)
His teacher says half the school was out this week for one sickness
or another. alot of flu and stomach viruses and Pink eye...
So i have gotten a great deal of "spring" cleaning done in the yard this week.
removed alot of the dead stuff from last fall and filled the compost bin.
cant even begin to mention how many loads of laundry have been done this
week, I bet my water meter is out there spinning like
one of those dials you'd see in a disaster movie that the something
is about to explode soon...