
Pumpkins, Wizards and More...

Mine is the one on the left, no pattern just happy, T's is the middle and J did the one on the right... (which turned out pretty good for his first one hmmm?!?) okay it won't let me put in a fourth photo so the pumpkins will go in a few minutes... So, I may have mentioned on a recent shopping excursion... Toy'sRuS carries HP costumes? so we picked up a proper robe and a wand. (that is my old witched broom hee) So Serious hmmm?

If you've ever wondered how many candles it takes to boil water, well now i know... Yvonne sent me a funny link to a site that will tell you that, among other things...

so now you know, its not really a cake with candles its a hand warmer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your pumpkins! Hand warmer...LOL!