If you've ever wondered how many candles it takes to boil water, well now i know... Yvonne sent me a funny link to a site that will tell you that, among other things...
so now you know, its not really a cake with candles its a hand warmer...
If you've ever wondered how many candles it takes to boil water, well now i know... Yvonne sent me a funny link to a site that will tell you that, among other things...
so now you know, its not really a cake with candles its a hand warmer...
Look Look,
I DID get your cards :) and gifts! and emails and email cards! Yep I do read my e-mail at least once every 24 hours and some days more often not to worry. :) I know some are still coming in the mail and that happens. Dont worry i will holler when i get them. :)
So here's hopping you are having as good of a day as i am.
the hugs and kisses is the first round card i have ever made and the thanks is the second, cant post the third as the person I'm mailing it to reads this blog hee... :)
not much going on today im just really really sleepy & my allergies are kicking my butt. so I am going to sign off and go to bed. I just wanted to say Hey, and thanks for the b-day cards and gifts that have arrived cool stuff to find in the mail box... :)
the oldest girl in the top left corner is Tim's mama. this was taken we think around sept of 1957 as the youngest (danny the baby) was born in august of that year...
Yes, i did do a few others but since i cant remember which ones are in here and which ones are not i will post these and peek at the blog to remember. (yep its that bad already) ;)
This is NOT a normal view in our house, usually he's glued to the boob tube or wanting to play video games...
It's almost amazing that Tim and I grew up without such things ehh?
(school homework... free reading 30 minutes daily) ~ the first day he read one of his books 6 times to make it 30 minutes... then i handed him Harry Potter the next day... so now he's already into the second book... some days he forgets to watch the clock and reads past the 30 minute mark! (others he whines about how bad his eyes hurt and is it time to Quit yet??)
Oh yeah in the quest for the perfect Halloween costume i picked up a witch hat at Wally world that had stars and moons on it, cut the brim off and sewed a black satin blanket binding to the edges and Ta-Da! Its now a Wizard hat! GO MOM! ;)
however i have been informed the cape i picked up is actually a Star-Wars guy cape NOT a HP cape (which should have sleeves) SO, since he has Star-Wars stuff he may end up going that route. (like i have endless patience, time & funds for him to be everything he wants in one night hahahaha...)
This is the left side...
I'm looking forward to getting mine back, I have one more to work in then I should get mine back around Thanksgiving time. I've gotten some e-Mail about the Duck count. Ok Saturday AM shoot resulted in 3 Ducks, 1 very tired Puppy, 1 cold and crabby kid and one very glad he could leave the kid home for the afternoon shoot Husband… So, the Sat afternoon and Sunday am shoots the ducks were too high in the sky to shoot. Finally finished purchasing all the indg. For The BBQ Duck breast wraps… so tomorrow that's what's for dinner (they are marinating now) Our Chickens are officially HENS! We are getting more than a half a dozen eggs per day! Tim is taking them to work and giving them away now we have so many. I'm surprised James is Not clucking for the number he has consumed. I keep muttering pound cake and angel food cake at Tim…