about 21 ish years ago, I went to an estate sale with some friends and my son was young. I am guessing on the age he was small enough to be in a stroller and not escape from it size. and it was one of those in the beginning things for me I had not been to too many Antique stores or yard sales by that point. so, I really didn't blow money on "stuff" at that time in my life, and I was just walking around this estate sale and found a box filled to the brim with this green dawn china ( it was in a dirt floor under a over hang not really a porch but, in the back yard in the dark kind of a spot you know where you assume all the boxes are full of spiders or something and I picked up a piece and I showed it to my husband and I said. I want this. I think this is the prettiest color green I have ever seen in my life. and he helped me pick up all the boxes and buy them. ( it was a whole 20.00 for tea service for 26 and assorted small pieces) and the lady doing the sale she heard what I said to my husband and she said to me, we have set aside the dinner plates and a few things for one of the grandson's and if he does not want them would you be interested. and I was like oooOOOh you bet. and some time went by and hubs got the call that the grandson did not want the dishes. So, back to that house I went and I came home with several more boxes of this china for another 30 some odd dollars. and that was just the beginning. over time I think my husband has hunted down and found just about every odd shape they made in it. toast racks, for two, for 4, egg cups, double egg cups. etc and so forth. breakfast in bed sized both coffee & tea service sets its a crazy thing that came out at the end of Victorian age so, I have a few of the art deco shapes from the end of the 30's. a little bit of the more modern pieces from the 50's. the only piece I know I would like more of is the crescent shaped snack size plate and a ladle for the soup tureen if one is out there. He has won auctions in the UK, Australia, Canada, the US. but so far we have never seen a ladle and I have two of the crescent plates now.

a peek into the corner of the kitchen at my house the cabinet on the left was built by the cabinet makers just for this china I had wanted it to be two doors but, they convinced me the stress would be too much for it since it is floor to ceiling. The cupboard to the left of that with wood doors is holding all the tea, coffee, & demitasse cups and saucers, most of the smaller bowls. The freestanding cabinet along the wall is holding some of the larger serving pieces with some crystal mixed in, you cannot see it in this shot but, the other corner behind the table there is one of those triangle shaped display cabinets with more really large pieces in it. (and yes, there are only 2 of us at home now and yes, we still use it everyday)