Last night was the opening day for both the SCS Chatbox Chicks exchange and then 2 hours later the Wish Rak Exchange so this first photos are from Kris ( Thanks Chickie!) the unmounted stamps are from lili of the Valley. the large book in the back has monthly pages to write birthdays and such in it. I have never seen this green ribbon before ever or the green doilies so this was really cool stuffs, and I'm nearly out of pop dots. ( almost made me look over my shoulder when I seen those haha)

The cover of the birthday reminders book Kris made.
My wish rak gal who had me was Pansy c-mouse ( funny she had me an exchange or two ago too) and so, as I opened it I thought, I *almost recognize the handwritting, then I started to open things and I was pretty sure it was from Pansy, because I do recognize her style this box was so heavy and packed with loot. the clear tin in the back on the left is filled with handmade toffee, and the huge snowman in the center is an altered HUGE dark chocolate candy bar.
everything had these little white snowflake embossed tags with notes about what she was thinking on them and thought that is too cool, the little bird on the spools of ribbon is a key chain. got him parked on the table already :)
The handmade/altered goodies, that hello is a folded magnetic book marker. the snowflakes on that tin are metal of some kind. and the Christmas card is so utterly cool with the pearls added to the lace ( never seen that before, mentally copying it for future CASE ing haha)
I didn't shoot photos of things I did for the gals I sent to this time around. seems like time has moved into warp speed all the time now. every day.